Thursday, December 10, 2009

New to this and have no clue what I'm doing...

So, obviously I am not sure what I am really doing on this page at this point, but wanted to go ahead and get this blog started since it seems like the popular avenue for mommies to take other than just Facebook! The countdown is about to come to an end as we check into the hospital on Monday morning at 11AM so start the induction process! I cannot believe that soon we will get to meet our little bundle of joy and gift from Heaven that we have waited for for what seems like an eternity! Words cannot express how excited I am to hold him and see what he looks like and experience the greatest gift in the world!

I am having a lot of trouble sleeping with all the aches and pains of being 9 months pregnant, but I think this is God's way of preparing me for many sleepless nights ahead so it is all worth it. We have been so blessed to have a mostly healthy pregnancy course other than my mild pre-eclampsia which I have had to have extra monitoring for each week. I haven't minded a bit since each time I hear that little galloping heartbeat I fall in love even more!

The nesting is almost complete, all the Christmas gifts are wrapped and ready, and I cannot wait until next week! We can't wait for you all to meet our sweet little boy!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I LOVE when people I know start blogging! So good to hear from you and very excited that you get to meet Caden so soon. You'll definitely have to upload some pics on here, so can't wait to see him! What a joyful season to bring a child into this world and we will praying for a safe arrival!
